The Jewish Faith: Stages of Mourning

We at St. Charles Monuments have a long history of working with the Jewish community to provide appropriate headstones and monuments, and create beautiful, respectful, inscriptions and drawings that adhere to Jewish customs. We are able to create monuments for any cemetery and provide for the memorial’s future needs of maintenance and renovation. There are fives stages of mourning within the Jewish community, and we have listed them below to provide more information for friends and family who are curious.
The First Stage: Aninut
The first stage of mourning lasts from the time that the deceased passes away and ends at the close of the funeral. During this time the mourner is considered to be in a state of shock and grief-stricken disorientation. We at St. Charles Monuments understand this state of being, having worked delicately through the years with the bereaved. We strive to make this time as peaceful as possible for you by providing hassle-free service and expert craftsmanship in the monuments we provide our customers.
The Second Stage: Avelut
Mourners during avelut do not attend to the joyful things in life such as: participating in parties, listening to music, marriages, etc. in order to respect the silence of the deceased and the finality of their passing.
The Third Stage: Shiva
Shiva lasts for 7 days. Those participating are often referred to as “sitting shiva.” During this time household chores are avoided and friends and family gather together to take care of the mourner and their household. Within this time the community is a part of the prayer services and support it provided for the bereaved.
The Fourth Stage: Shloshim
This period occurs 30 days following the burial. During this time male mourners are forbidden culturally to shave or get haircuts.
The Fifth Stage: Shneim Asar Chodesh
Mourners who have lost a parent observe a twelve-month period in which activities do not return to normal and within this time participate in Kaddish prayers.
Matzevah marks the end of the mourning period. During this time the headstone is unveiled during an unveiling ceremony. Depending on who the deceased was to the mourner (parent, sibling, cousin, friend, etc.) the mourning time is different. Yahrzeit marks the one year anniversary of death for your loved one. At sunset, mourners light Yahrzeit candles and allow them to burn out on their own.