How to Handle Grief on Social Media

The death of a loved is an extraordinarily stressful, emotional, and difficult time. In fact, it’s difficult to imagine any scenario we must contend with that’s more challenging or wearying. Obviously, arranging services and ordering an upright monument is important. However, managing your own feelings is equally important. During such an emotional time, it’s natural to turn to friends and family for support.
Without a doubt, social media has become one of the most convenient ways to notify people of significant events. Naturally, this includes the loss of a loved one. However, receiving news like this can be troublesome, even damaging, for many people. Therefore, it’s essential to be mindful of how you utilize social media to share updates, create Facebook memorials and express your grief. In this post, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to channeling your grief on social media. Keeping these guidelines in mind will prevent any additional complications for you to contend with and help you remain sensitive to other peoples’ feelings.
Reaching Out
As we mentioned previously, posting about someone’s passing on Facebook is a convenient way to share the unfortunate news. It eliminates the need to reach out to everyone you know and deliver individual notifications. Also, it’s a great way to receive some much-needed support during and after this difficult time.

If you’re dealing with a painful loss, like a parent or spouse, you shouldn’t limit your source of support within the parameters of Facebook. While it can be enormously helpful, if you lose a close loved one, the messages and comments can only do so much. Talk your feelings through with at least one close friend, family member or even grief support group in person. Doing so will help you to feel more confident in overcoming this grief.
If you know someone going through a loss, it’s important to reach out beyond social media. Reaching out to grieving friends shows that you care about them, no matter how long it’s been since you last spoke. It may be awkward to speak to somebody for the first time in so many years. However, they will appreciate it.
Be Present When Needed

Very often, friends and family are quick to offer assistance in times of grief. This can vary on a situational basis. Grieving parents making funeral arrangements might need help watching their children. Others may need help with even the most basic chores, like picking up groceries or cleaning.
If your friends or family extend these offers, then don’t feel pressured to decline. Some people may feel the need to turn them down in order to be polite or avoid inconveniencing others. However, your friends and family would much rather you receive whatever help you need. On the other hand, if you’re offering to help a grieving friend, don’t offer help that you aren’t prepared to give. If you volunteer a helping hand, make sure you follow through.
Similarly, be sure to respect the wishes of relatives. Some people might request to hear about memories of their loved ones. However, if they request that friends not respond to any posts, then be sensitive to that.
Don’t Post Out of Obligation
While social media provides us with up-close portraits of our friends and families’ lives, privacy is also of the utmost importance. If notifying all of your Facebook friends of a recent death feels too public, that’s just fine. You’re under no obligation to share anything online that feels too intimate, distasteful or just plain uncomfortable. So don’t post anything on Facebook just because you feel like other people might expect it. If you elect not to use Facebook, then contact close friends individually via phone, email or another channel instead.
Likewise, those who are responding to others’ grief can do so in a private manner. If you do not want to express your condolences in a public forum, then simply sending a message or making a phone call is also an appropriate.
Conclusion – People Handle Grief in Different Ways
Overcoming the death of a loved one is a personal journey that everyone handles differently. Keeping these general ideas in mind as you handle your own grief, develop your own mourning rituals and help others is key to being there for loved ones.
Our headstone company is always sensitive to and accommodating of the grief that our customers experience. We will help you to have an easy, stress-free headstone purchasing experience. Contact us for more information about our monument design and creation services.