Modern Headstone Symbolism in Flight and Flowers

Birds in Flight
Cardinal: Passion for life
Rooster: Awakening to resurrection. Also: Vigilance
Dove: This is an important animal symbol in Christianity, representing the Holy Spirit. Taken from the bible passage in which the Holy Spirit was noted as descending from heaven onto a person being baptized. When 7 doves are pictured it represents the 7 spirits of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of grace: purity, devotion, and divine spirit gifted sevenfold.
Eagle: Symbol of St. John, symbolizes courage with affiliations to the military
Owl: Wisdom
Peacock: Immortality, symbolic of Christ and the Resurrection.
Pelican: Universally it is symbolic of charity. In Christianity it more specifically symbolizes the atonement and the Redeemer.
Phoenix: Greek symbol representing resurrection, the beauty of the soul, and immortality. This mythical creature was known to be reborn through its own death by fire, and has become a modern symbol of success through turmoil or in spite of hardship.
Swallow: Motherhood or indicative of a child

Asphodel: This is the classic flower of death said to cover the Elysian Fields.
Broken Blossom: Regardless of the flower that forms the blossom (a rose, lily, daisy, etc.) the broken blossom symbolizes when someone has died too young or that life has been cut short; our mortality.
Daises: The innocence of a child is depicted in a daisy, specifically in Christianity the innocence of the baby Jesus. It also means purity of thought and gentleness.
Forget-me-nots: Remembrance
Honeysuckle: Love, generosity, and devotion
Ivy: While not specifically a flower, it is a common symbol of nature to depict eternal life, memory, immortality, friendship, fidelity, faithfulness, and undying affection.
Lilly: Innocence, purity, and resurrection. In Christianity it is associated with the Virgin Mary and the Resurrection of Christ. It is commonly seen on women’s headstones and is often used at funerals as a symbol of the restored innocence of a soul at the time of death.
Roses: Love, beauty, hope, and endless love. In Christianity it is associated with the Virgin Mary. A white rose symbolizes purity and virginity while a red rose symbolizes martyrdom. The size of the rose can also indicate how old a person was when they died. If a rose bud is shown in the grave art it is likely the headstone of a child under 12. A rose in partial bloom signifies the life of a teenager or before their prime. A rose in full bloom symbolizes a person who died early in life, in their prime: 20s-30s.
Sunflower: A life that has been fulfilled.

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